First of all, it was your birthday yesterday which is super exciting! Urime! I wrote you a letter last Monday so it should be getting to you sometime soon. I thought about you a lot this week. It was always in the back of my head like, “It’s my mom’s birthday in five days,” or something like that. So definitely know that you have not been forgotten by your son even though he is all the way on the other side of the planet. Isn’t that weird? The other side of the planet? Crazy. I hope you had a good birthday. On those days where we would be all together as a family, I really wish I could be there, but at the same time I really would rather stay here. =) It’s been a pretty interesting week. On Monday I was talking with Elder Garn and somehow we got on the subject of sicknesses and if we’ve gotten sick on our missions and stuff. Elder Garn ended up saying something along the lines of, “I don’t get sick.”. . . .then came Tuesday. On Tuesday night Elder Garn ended up not looking to good. Then Wednesday came and he was basically just out of it. Thursday and Friday we didn’t really do any work. Saturday we worked at night and then yesterday we finally got to get out and work for a full day again. Ha ha it was pretty funny though. I guess I’m just a sadist, but Elder Garn has been hilarious for these past few days. Seriously there have been periods of time where it’s just like constant sneezing and after like 2 minutes of it I can’t help but laugh! ;) But he is pretty much better now thank the heavens! Luckily he’s a good sport or else he probably would have punched me right in the face.
Alright a “xhaxhi” (pronounced jaw-jee) is basically just like an old man. It actually means “the uncle” I guess, but they just use it as like a respectful term for someone who is older than you. It’s cool when the little çuns call us xhaxhis ha ha. But yeah we have two xhaxhi investigators. They are friends actually. One is named Theodhuraq (whom we have a baptismal date with) and the other is Fejimi. It’s funny because Fejimi is just like one of those sidekicks that is there for comical relief. He just has such a hard time understanding anything at all. But he always has a huge smile on his face and he is way nice. Theodhuraq on the other hand is fairly smart and he actually understands what we teach him and what he reads which is, I think, why we were able to give him a baptismal date and not Fejim. I’ll get some pictures with them this week and send them to you next week.
Speaking of pictures, I sent you a few of us with 2 members Samanta and Geri. Samanta is 11 and Geri is 10. They are way awesome and they actually both speak English fairly well so most of the time we teach them in English. But they are super funny together. Sometimes Samanta has like tons and tons of questions and so she just keeps asking us and Geri is like, “Oh come on, will you shut up?!” But I’m trying not to laugh when he does that now. =) Last night we answered a ton of questions about like the nature of God and Satan and stuff and how Satan really isn’t a red monster with horns and a pitchfork and how if they listen to the Holy Ghost they will always have power over him. It was a pretty good lesson. I love the principle that light and darkness cannot co-exist. If we are in the light of Christ and following his teachings, the devil cannot be with us. What a powerful principle that is.
Okay well I have definitely just rambled on and on and on now. =) I loved to see that picture of Mason. Tell him that I saw it and I am rooting for him. I am glad he is doing something so freaking awesome. That is definitely gonna be an experience he can tell his future kids. Just tell him that I love him and good luck!
Thanks for the addresses too! I have so many letters to write and so little time! Aaaah! But I will get a head start on it.
Well, I better go. I love you mom! You are AWESOME!
-Elder Swenson
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